Monday, July 23, 2007

what unschooling looked like today.....part one.

ok, i know mom usually does these, and i know today isn't anywhere close to over yet, but i felt like doing one. thought it'd be fun. lessee....

i woke up on the couch, because that is where i fell asleep last night. i stayed up until about six AM, reading 'The Wizard's Dilemma', the fifth book in the Young Wizards series by Diane Duane. i also read a volume of the manga, or japanese comic book, Kareshi Kanojo No Jijou, commonly shortened to Kare Kano. other books i have been reading recently are things like The Spiderwick Chronicles and the manga Bizenghast.

anyway, i fell asleep on the couch at around six, and woke up later that same day at perhaps one in the afternoon, as per usual. when i awoke, i picked up the sixth Young Wizards book and started reading that. i had only just started reading, however, when i was unceremoniously and rudely disturbed from my comfortableness by none other than the dreaded wake-up monster, MJ. i was forced to crawl, wriggle, hide, bite, and finally remove myself from my nice comfy couch. MJ then cleaned the living room while i watched and informed her i was sick and unable to help her. which was, of course, true. i never ever lie. however, the sickness and the not helping didn't actually have a whole lot to do with one another. i've become most skilled at that kind of truth.

anseyways again, i then decided to do a bit of research on the subject of Harry Potter, hoping to discover some clue as to the ending of HPATDH. i looked at the chapter titles in both DH and OP. i looked at the covers of all the books. i got on the harry potter lexicon (found at ) and looked things up. however, my search was fruitless, my efforts in vain. nothing more was revealed to me than i had already known or strongly suspected. in fact, i had been learning more from the book itself then any amount of research could tell me, as i had been having it read aloud to me by mom and MJ. (in my current sick condition, my voice is odd and i am prone to fits of coughing. therefore i was unable to read aloud. hehe.)

during my search, whilst looking up the demiguise on the lexicon, i was interupted by an IM from mother. we had a chat about MJ's plans and about Harry Potter, and when she brought up a new theory i dove into research for that as well, bringing up a few interesting facts and writing my findings down. my information can be found on mom's blog, at this adress; .

at this point, however, i wound down, and had nothing else to do. so i wrote this post. i'll write the second half later tonight, when the 'today' part of 'unschooling today' is done.



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