Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hello, World!

I haven't blogged in about a Century. But whatever. I'm ready to go again.

I'm currently experiencing a 5 day period of freedom. MJ is gone (in Corvallis, Oregon), I have no obligations, and I'm free to do as i please, thank you very much. Today didn't consist of much. I read Fruits Basket Volume 19 (which i got days ago, but haven't had time to read), talked to mom about a variety of subjects, and worked on my D&D thing.

See, I'm creating a dungeon (my first) as practice. I want to be a Dungeon Master. It's my goal in D&Ddom. It's not a bad dungeon for a beginner, who doesn't even understand the basics of the game, let alone the complexity that is DM-ing. There's 'too much treasure, not enough bad guys' as i remarked to mother at Easter Dinner at grandma's house. But I delved deep into my brain, and out of it came a clever idea. I got out our Sculpey clay and made small figures for each character in the adventuring party that will be using this dungeon. I also made a little figure for the bad guys they will encounter. Then I got out many sheets of graph paper and made much larger, player-friendly versions of my maps for the little clay ones to move around on.

With MJ gone we can't play yet, but I consider that a blessing. I need to learn a great deal about the game itself, like what 'to hit' really means and how to do saving throws and what the hell percentile dice are and how they work. Perhaps when I know more I can make a better dungeon. Hopefully I'll learn before we play.

But enough about what I've been doing. Or no, wait. Something else important I've been doing. Wicca. I'm getting back into Wicca. Or more specifically, magic. I'm not entirely dedicated to the Wiccan faith or anything, but I like it, and I like doing magic and the rituals and rites belonging to Wicca. Just a few days ago I celebrated Ostara, the main Spring Sabbat. Then yesterday I celebrated Easter, our main Spring festival. Easter and Ostara, far and away from having similar names, are in service of the same thing. Both involve Spring, eggs, flowers, bright colors, and joy and rebirth.

Leading from that back to the topic I meant to discuss, which was what I am going to do with this free period, tomorrow I'm taking a trip to our local magic shop (Moonflower Magicks, on Hewitt) to get a few things I'm needing. Harmless magickal items, I promise. Herbs and stones and stuff. No blood or eyeballs or anything. Heathenistic Godless Sentence to follow. If they don't work, I didn't hurt anyone, if they do work, they only do positive things to consenting parties, and if Witchcraft condemns me to Hell, hey, I was headed there anyway, with my Heathenistic Godless Ways.

Other things I was intending to do include a trip to the Thrift Store, to see if i could find some cool new clothes for very little money. I was actually thinking about asking Grandma if she wanted to take me. I've been meaning to spend time with her, and mom and dad are a little busy anyway. Also I want to go to Kinko's (whatever they're calling it now. Fed Ex Kinko's or soemthing.) and get my manuscript printed. I'd like a material copy of it. Or maybe I'll print it normally at mom's work and do some intense editing and rewriting before expending the money to print it bound. I wonder if they can but big black title letters on the front with my name smaller underneath. I would put it on my bookshelf and read whenever I felt like it. Let's see. What else was I planning to do? Ah yes.

Work on my fairy book. (A collection of drawings of fairies with household objects. Each drawing will have a brief explanation of the fairy's actions on the opposite page.)
Work on my art skills. (They are currently at an abominably low level, and I haven't learned anything about drawing in ages. Maybe I'll work on postures and hands and stuff.)
Read 'Fire and Hemlock' by Diana Wynne Jones. (Should be arriving from Amazon tomorrow. I haven't had anything by her to read I hadn't already read in a while.*)
Eat Easter candy. (No explanation needed.)
Hang out with someone. (Chelsea maybe. I'll see who's free this week.)
Blog more. (It's pretty OK. I'll at least do Thursday Thirteen and Friday Fill-In.)
Write more. (I haven't written in ages. Or is this wrapped up in the manuscript thing and the fairy thing? Come to think of it, is the art improving wrapped up in the fairy thing?)
Feel lost and confused. (Always. Doesn't everyone plan on feeling lost and confused? :-))
Et Cetera. (Can't think of anything else right now, but I will.)

Ok, I guess I'll wrap it up here. I've said quite a lot for one post. Well, I guess I haven't said anything, considering this is on the computer, but I've typed quite a lot. Sleep now, and hope to do many things this week. Good luck on your own stuff!!!


"Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!"
- Alice in Wonderland, by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson.

*That sentence was convoluted. What I mean is, I haven't read anything new of hers in a while. But by new, I don't mean NEW new, I mean something i haven't read before.